Special Events

Word Weathers
Multiple artists; organised by Te TuhiDurational Writing Performance (livestream) - Worldwide (online), 21 June 2022
This live streamed durational writing event with artists and writers across the globe as they write, read, image, sound, respond and perform a continuous planetary dawn text – reflecting on a biosphere in crisis.

Wonder in the Midst of Dread: A Climate Conversation with Laurie Anderson and Anna Tsing
Laurie Anderson and Anna Tsing; hosted by Michael MorrisOnline conversation, 25 October 2022
Presented by the World Weather Network, Climate Conversations is an ongoing series of one-to-one discussions, inviting visionary artists from around the world to engage in free-flowing conversation with leading climate scientists, policymakers and activists.

Regarding Angry Weather: A Climate Conversation with Freddi Otto and Jeanette Winterson
Fredi Otto and Jeanette Winterson; hosted by Michael MorrisVideo (talk) - Senate House Library, 21 July 2022
Presented by the World Weather Network, Climate Conversations is an ongoing series of one-to-one discussions, inviting visionary artists from around the world to engage in free-flowing conversation with leading climate scientists, policymakers and activists.

States of Water: A Climate Conversation with Shirin Neshat and Kaveh Madani
Shirin Neshat and Kaveh Madani; hosted by Tony GullianOnline conversation, 22 March 2023
Presented by the World Weather Network, Climate Conversations is an ongoing series of one-to-one discussions, inviting visionary artists from around the world to engage in free-flowing conversation with leading climate scientists, policymakers and activists.

Extinction Wars: A Climate Conversation with Hiwa K and Jonas Staal
Hiwa K and Jonas Staal; hosted by Paula ToppilaOnline conversation, 24 October 2023
Presented by the World Weather Network, Climate Conversations is an ongoing series of one-to-one discussions, inviting visionary artists from around the world to engage in free-flowing conversation with leading climate scientists, policymakers and activists.

Art, Ecology & Activism
SAHA StudioVideo(panel discussion) - Istanbul, 24 September 2022
In the first of the World Weather Network talks held at SAHA Studio in parallel with the 17th Istanbul Biennial, they focus on the recent past of the contemporary art scene and possible future scenarios.

Haupapa: approaching a glacier
Te TuhiPanel discussion, 11 November 2022 (livestream 17:30 - 18:40 NZST)
Haupapa: approaching a glacier is a round table discussion that spans the fields of art, creative technology, live data and Matauraka Māori knowledge.

In Reality, Everything is in the Air
SAHA StudioVideo(panel discussion) - Istanbul, 8 October 2022
The conversation between the editors of Art Unlimited (Merve Akar Akgün) and m-est.org (Özge Ersoy, Merve Ünsal) will take as a point of departure the series of texts that m-est.org has been working on with the invitation of SAHA as part of the World Weather Network.

Philosophy of Value as an Artistic Practice
SAHA StudioVideo (panel discussion) - Istanbul, 8 October 2022
SAHA Studio's June-December 2022 term resident artist, Elmas Deniz’s concept-driven works explore the intersections and points of entanglement between economics and nature.

SAHA StudioVideo (panel discussion) - Istanbul, 15 October 2022
In his performative presentation titled breathtaking taking place at SAHA Studio on October 15th, Can Küçük follows a personal narrative, detailing the physical and social relationships he forms with the atmosphere of his current location.

A Contemplation on Inertia, Perpetual Motion, and Climate
SAHA StudioVideo (panel discussion) - Istanbul, 22 October 2022
In her talk organized, Burcu Yağcıoğlu maps the act of stopping and the concept of inertia from different perspectives, and addresses it as an alternative to doing, to motion and change.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Professor Mark Howden
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 27 November 2022
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. This presentation from Professor Mark Howden is titled Navigating the valley of climate change.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Aunty Loretta Parsley and Kirli Saunders
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 27 November 2022
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. This talk features Yuin Walbunga Elder Aunty Loretta Parsley and Gunai artist Kirli Saunders in conversation about the Possum Skin Cloak Project.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Carolyn Eskdale
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 27 November 2022
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. In this talk, Carolyn Eskdale speaks about her new commission exploring the concept of an emotional weather report for the exhibition Inside, underground.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: DarkQuiet
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 27 November 2022
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. This conversation between DarkQuiet artists and special guests Fred Watson, Marnie Ogg, and Cass Lynch explores how we might refocus ways of experiencing the rich complexity and fragility of the world.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Distinguished Professor Noel Cressie
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 15 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Here Dr Cressie presents a climate report on Earth’s heat and ice.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Dr Prudence Gibson
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 15 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Gibson discusses how The Tellus Art Project makes connections between plant ontologies, politics, ethics and art, drawing from her book The Plant Contract: Art’s return to vegetal life (2018).

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Rebecca Mayo, Aunty Deidre Martin and Jacob Morris
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 15 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Mayo is in conversation with collaborators Aunty Deidre Martin and Jacob Morris as they discuss the project, and stories of plants and people living and growing together on Yuin Country.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Cheryl Davison
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 15 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Cheryl Davison discussed the project and the relationships between language, culture and place.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Dr Pauline Jones
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 15 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Here Jones introduces key texts and some of the debates about how to (or even whether to) address climate change with children.

WWII Weather Station “Kurt”: A Talk by Susan Schuppli
Susan Schuppli; organised by Fogo Island ArtsTalk (livestream) - Worldwide (online), 11 February 2023
Fogo Island Art’s digital program Lost & Found Agency presented WWII Weather Station “Kurt”: a talk by Susan Schuppli. This presentation focused on “Kurt,” a WWII automatic weather station installed by the Germans on the Labrador coast in 1943 that was only officially discovered in the 1980s.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Kate Scardifield
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 29 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Here Jones introduces key texts and some of the debates about how to (or even whether to) address climate change with children.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Dr. Beth Mott
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 29 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Here Jones introduces key texts and some of the debates about how to (or even whether to) address climate change with children.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Janet Laurence
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 29 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Here Jones introduces key texts and some of the debates about how to (or even whether to) address climate change with children.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Jedda Lemmon
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 29 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Here Jones introduces key texts and some of the debates about how to (or even whether to) address climate change with children.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Michael Andrews and Mick Delmenico
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 29 January 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. Here Jones introduces key texts and some of the debates about how to (or even whether to) address climate change with children.

Instability of something that seemed stable
ArtingeniumVideo (Panel discussion) - Jacques Cousteau Square, Donostia, Gipuzkoa, September 2022
Meeting of the philosopher Michael Marder with artists, curators, and thinkers to have lunch and discuss local and global climate change, art, the present and the future.
Egonkorra zirudien zerbaiten ezegonkortasuna
Michael Marder, Oier Etxeberria, Gemma Intxausti, Erlea Maneros, Beñat Sarasola, Catalina Lozano, Natalia de Miguel, Lourdes Fernéndez and Luis GaragalzaVideo (Mahai-ingurua) - Jacques Cousteau Plaza, Donostia, Gipuzkoa, 2022ko iralia
Michael Marder filosofoaren topaketa artista, sendatzaile eta pentsalariekin, bazkaltzeko eta tokiko klima-aldaketa globalari, arteari, orainari eta etorkizunari buruz hitz egiteko.
Inestabilidad de algo que parecía estable
Michael Marder, Oier Etxeberria, Gemma Intxausti, Erlea Maneros, Beñat Sarasola, Catalina Lozano, Natalia de Miguel, Lourdes Fernéndez and Luis GaragalzaVideo (Panel de discusión) - Plaza Jacques Cousteau, Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Septiembre 2022
Encuentro del filosofo Michael Marder con artistas, curadores y pensadores para almorzar y dialogar sobre el cambio climático local y global, dentro de nosotros y en el arte.

The Weather: Abi Palmer in conversation with J.R. Carpenter
ArtangelLive-stream (Video) - Online, 9 March 2023 19:00–20:15 GMT (London time)
For the first episode of The Weather, Abi Palmer will be joined by artist and writer J.R. Carpenter to discuss clouds, and climate.

The Weather: Abi Palmer in conversation with Sop and An(Dre)a Spisto
ArtangelLive-stream (Video) - Online, 16 March 2023 19:00–20:15 GMT (London time)
For the second episode of The Weather, Abi Palmer will be joined by artists Sop and An(Dre)a Spisto to discuss disability, care, and building dens.

The Weather: Abi Palmer in conversation with Gabrielle de la Puente
ArtangelLive-stream (Video) - Online, 23 March 2023 19:00–20:15 GMT (London time)
For the third episode of The Weather, Abi Palmer will be joined by writer Gabrielle de la Puente to discuss rest, isolation, and animal companionship.

The Weather: Abi Palmer in conversation with Nick Murray
ArtangelLive-stream (Video) - Online, 30 March 2023 19:00–20:15 GMT (London time)
For the final episode of The Weather, Abi Palmer will be joined by composer Nick Murray to discuss their collaboration in the production of the four short films. Nick will also be introducing their own cat.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Jan Bryant with Naomi Eller and Steven Rhall
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 26 February 2023
As part of Siteworks: From a deep valley, Bundanon presented a quick-fire program of talks from leading scientists, artists and First Nations knowledge holders, sharing ‘weather reports’ from this time and place. This talk, led by Art Programme’s Jan Bryant with Naomi Eller and Steven Rhall will explore the ideas behind their ephemeral interventions into the Bundanon landscape.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Uncle Noel Butler and Sam Miers
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 26 February 2023
In this conversation, Uncle Noel Butler and Sam Miers speak about the Bugia Nawway Gabun Buridja artist residency that brought together Local Music and experimental music communities from around Australia.

Siteworks Capsule Talks: Fernando do Campo
BundanonVideo (talk sessions) - NSW, Australia, 26 February 2023
In this talk, postcards from do Campo’s participatory project Follow the pink ribbon, are shared by curator, Sophie O’Brien.

Sun Gate: Ha’amonga a Maui
Te TuhiDurational performance, 21 March 2023 (livestream 06:30 am - 07.00 pm Tonga/NZST)
On the Autumn equinox, 21 March 2023, the sun moves north across the celestial equator and day and night are of exactly equal length. This event will be registered in Tonga by Ha‘amonga a Maui and the long shadow it casts and by performance artist Kalisolaite ‘Uhila’s own body.

The State of Internet 2023
WaagVideo (online lecture), 9 March 2023
On 9 March 2023, Waag Futurelab organised its fifth edition of The State of the Internet, a gathering to discuss the big issues of privacy, platformisation, self-determination and digital rights. This year's lecture was led by writer, artist, journalist and technologist James Bridle (they/them). Bridle explores how radical technological models can decentralise power.

Signals From Greece: The Link of Global Warming Levels with Climate Change in The Mediterranean Region
A lecture by Prodromos Zanis; hosted by Ioanna MimiVideo (lecture-talk), 4 May 2023
The lecture highlights the link between global warming levels and climate change in the Mediterranean region, looking at the recent past and projections for the future under different emission pathways, while emphasis is given to signs of climate change in Greece.

Artistic Process and Climate Change
Dhaka Art Summit 2023Talk (video), 5 February 2023
On February 2023, the artists representing a wide geographic scope discussed their shared challenges as well as adaptive breakthroughs about their artistic process and climate change.

Socially Engaged Practice
Dhaka Art Summit 2023Talk (video), 5 February 2023
This panel brought together artists, architects, and cultural practitioners who have initiated social projects catalyzing change and empowering communities in long-term and tangible ways, working beyond their studio for the benefit of communities around the world.

Artists Talk - Janine Randerson, Stefan Marks and Rachel Shearer
Khoj StudiosTalk (video) - New Delhi, February 2024
On Friday 2nd February, Khoj organized an artist talk by sound artist Rachel Shearer, moving image artist Janine Randerson and creative technologist Stefan Marks from Aotearoa (New Zealand).

Wetspace Noise Drips 3.0 with experimental sound artists CYNK and Friends
Khoj StudiosTalk (video) - New Delhi, February 2024
Khoj hosted the third edition of Wetspace Noise Drips, an immersive audio-visual experience that fosters a new ethic of listening, engaging, and composing in a space-time sound-field.

Book Reading and Zine Making Workshop with the children of Khirkee
Khoj StudiosWorkshop - New Delhi, February 2024
The book reading and zine-making workshop invited the children of the Khirkee community, New Delhi, to engage with weathers and other ecological aspects through the medium of books and zines.

To Burn, Forest, Fire IHME Helsinki Katie Paterson
Khoj StudiosCeremony - New Delhi, February 2024
As part of the exhibition 28°North and Parallel Weathers, Khoj organised an incense ceremony around artist Katie Paterson’s work titled, ‘To Burn, Forest, Fire’.

Listening Session -- Where the Ice meets the Water by sound artist Tarun Balani
Khoj StudiosPerformance - New Delhi, February 2024
As part of the exhibition 28° North and Parallel Weathers, Khoj hosted a listening session of Where the Ice meets Water by sound artist Tarun Balani.

Artist Presentation and Open Discussion with Raqs Media Collective and Shahana Rajani and Zahra Malkani
Khoj StudiosTalk - New Delhi, February 2024
Khoj organised artist presentations and an open discussion with artists Raqs Media Collective and Karachi LaJamia (joining on zoom) about their projects as part of the 28th North Parallel weather station and the exhibition at Khoj.